ISCC Activities – Old

Since the ISCC’s inception, to support the above goals and priorities, regular events
have been held to promote Irish-Serbian relations:

Jointly with DFA, and the local Belgrade Irish Festival, the ISCC organised a St. Patrick’s Day reception in Belgrade for the local business and cultural community attended by Ambassador Fitzgerald, First Secretary Stephen Duffy, Honorary Consul Ann Pesic, Enterprise Ireland’s representative overseeing Serbia, Ladislav Muller along with over 120 local business, and cultural community influencers, and Friends of Ireland, and as well as key members of the innovation ecosystem, and business community.

Hosted by ISCC Belgrade Director Vuk Mirkovic, the “Doing Business in Serbia” webinar explored current business and investment opportunities locally, featuring Nenad Paunovic, EMBA, Director of IT and Entrepreneurship in the Office of the Prime Minister of Serbia.

Then ISCC Chairperson Frank Hannigan hosted an online Export Readiness webinar with a panel including Enterprise Ireland’s Ladislav Muller, and Serbian Government Strategic Investment Advisor, Nemanja Jevtovic.

ISCC support for Minister of State Burke’s visit to Belgrade. ISCC Board Members met with MoS Burke and his delegation during his visit to Belgrade June 13 & 14, 2023, attending a private briefing meeting, and a networking reception organised by the Embassy of Ireland in Athens and attended by ISCC members and guests.

Following a request by Serbia’s Ambassador to Ireland Aleksandra Joksimović, and after consultations with DFA, the ISCC organised a private tour of the newly extended Guinness Enterprise Centre (GEC), followed by a networking reception during Prime Minster Brnabić’s visit to Dublin to speak at the Bloomberg New Frontiers Conference April 19-21. The Prime Minister’s visit to Ireland was extensively covered in Serbian media.

Jointly with DFA, and the local Belgrade Irish Festival, the ISCC organised a St. Patrick’s Day reception in Belgrade for the local business and cultural community attended by Ambassador Fitzgerald, First Secretary Stephen Duffy, Honorary Consul Ann Pesic, along with over 120 local business, and cultural community influencers, and Friends of Ireland, and as well as key members of the innovation ecosystem, and business community.

A networking reception for 70 local Irish and Serbian businesspeople was organised and funded by the ISCC in Aeroclub, Belgrade, to mark Ambassador Fitzgerald’s attendance at the 2022 Council of Europe meeting in Serbia.

An ISCC hosted business development lunch held in Dublin in July 2022 was attended by Ambassador Joksimović, and 20+ ISCC members and companies with a strategic interest in  developing commercial ties with Serbia, including Kingspan, CRH, and Aer Rianta.

The ISCC organised a series of business advisory webinars covering topics such as ‘Modern Serbia: Gateway between East & West’, ‘Culture: a key competitive advantage in doing business in Serbia’, ‘Customs free access to 1.3 billion consumers worldwide,’ and ‘Incorporation in Serbia’ in partnership with the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Innovation Fund of Serbia, and RAS (the Development Agency of Serbia).
Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Innovation Fund of Serbia, and RAS (the
Development Agency of Serbia).

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